Provision for Deaf Children

The Provision for Deaf children is ideally situated in its own suite of rooms in Hacton Primary School. It provides an inclusive setting for up to 21 children ranging from 3 to 11 years. Deaf children work alongside their mainstream peers and are included in all aspects of school life. We are committed to working in partnership with parents and the wider community.

The school’s vision for all children is personal excellence and we believe that creating a positive identity helps our children to understand that they have a valid role to play in both Deaf and hearing communities. We have high expectations of children both academically and socially and encourage them to have the same high expectations of themselves. Children are expected to achieve a high level of independence in respect to their own learning, equipment and environment.

School Organisation

Our Nursery and Reception children are fully integrated into their mainstream classes and are supported by a specialist Nursery nurse. A specific emphasis is placed on communication and language, whether that be spoken language or sign language. A Teacher of the Deaf monitors the children’s progress.

Our children in KS1 and KS2 are assessed on an individual basis and are allocated support accordingly. Depending on the children’s needs, there may be times where they are taught by a Teacher of the Deaf within the provision and other times where they are supported by a member of the provision in their mainstream classroom. Our children follow the National Curriculum and are expected to take the SATs exams along with their hearing peers, if appropriate.

Deaf children have the opportunity to attend lunchtime and after school clubs along with their hearing peers and, if necessary, are fully supported by a member of the provision.

Communication and Language

Our communication approach is child centred; therefore, some children use sign language while others prefer to be oral/aural. Sign Supported English is also used in the teaching of Literacy. Our aim is to ensure that our children develop their language skills to become confident communicators and we strive to develop their identity, including their deaf identity. Our children move on to secondary school as independent, confident individuals who are effective communicators.

British Sign Language (BSL) is a recognised language within the school and we actively promote its use within the school environment. All staff within the provision are working towards a minimum of a Level 2 BSL qualification and our hearing children and mainstream staff are given the opportunity to learn sign language through clubs and training sessions.

An NHS Speech and Language Therapist visits our school once a week to support children who may experience difficulties in listening to and understanding language, talking in words and sentences, social interaction and using clear and fluent speech.

Audiological equipment is checked daily to ensure that our children can access speech, environmental sounds and other acoustic information. All classrooms within the school are equipped with a soundfield system which allows all children to hear the class teacher’s voice at the same volume, regardless of where they are seated.


Applications are made via the Havering Local Education Authority SEND department. However, any enquires are always welcomed and Mrs Norford can be contacted via email at

To engage our school community, we share and celebrate our learning experiences on our school blog. View the latest P-HIC blogs here