School Governors

Since September 2018, Hacton Primary School has been part of the Empower Learning Academy Trust. Our School has a governor representative on the Trust Board, Mr Mark Walton, as well as the Headteacher.

Hacton Primary, as all academies, also has its own Local Governing Body. Hacton Local Governing Body members are:

Mrs R Ahtti (Chair)
Mrs E Leslie (Headteacher)
Mrs J Williams (Vice Chair)
Miss P Peters (Staff Governor)

Mr N Dosa
Mrs H Fitch
Mr B Kainth

Mrs M Lambert
Mr A Upadhyaya
Mrs H Waters

Parent Governors are elected by the parents of the School and are able to hold office for up to four years. If Parent Governor elections are to be held, all parents will be informed, invited to stand for election and able to vote. The minutes of all Governing Body meetings are available in the school office.

From 1st September 2015, governing bodies have a duty to publish on their website their register of business interests, other schools at which they are governors and any relationships that exist between governors and school staff.

Resources for Governors

DfE: Governance
School Performance Tables